Sunday, December 12, 2010

My Big Boy

Until lately, Charlie has shown very little interest in coloring, drawing, writing, etc. Then, out of the blue (and thanks to Lori who told him he could in fact do it), he can't get enough. And he colors so well! I am so proud of him.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Santa Train...

Jack and Charlie LOVED every part the Santa Train this year. It was a picture perfect day to head out to Boulder City for our own little Polar Express experience with some of our favorite people! I love this time of year!!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Cute little things they say...

I am afraid I'll forget these cute little conversations if I don't write them down.

Jack: Hey, Mom, can we call God?
Me: Well, that is not really how it works.
Charlie: Let's text him, then.

Jack: I know what I am thankful for this year. I am thankful all Lego sets come with directions.

After the boys helped me put up the Christmas decorations, including the Nativity set, this was the conversation I overheard.

Jack: Hey, Charlie, wanna go play Lego God and Wisemen?
Charlie: Yeah, I want to be the shepherd.

Jack's birthday

Jack had a simple request for his 5th birthday dinner this sticks, shrimp and a Star Wars cake. Thank goodness he is easy to please. We had a great time celebrating with Grandpa Kruse, Grandma Kate, Aunt Alley and Uncle Andrew. As I was nearly in tears because Jack was 5, Charlie was literally crying because Jack was getting "way too older" than him. He likes their ages to be one number apart. Lucky for him, his big day is right around the corner.


This year, we took the boys to Legoland to celebrate both of their birthdays. They LOVED it!! They have an overzealous love of Star Wars right now, so seeing a Lego Darth Vadar and R2D2 when we first walked in sealed the deal with them...this place was Heaven!!


Saturday, May 29, 2010

San Diego

To kick off our 4 week track break, we all headed down to San Diego for the weekend to see Jim's family, including the newest addition, our great-niece Gianna! As always, we had a fantastic time visiting and catching up with everyone.

Proud Grandma Mary...

The Pool is Open!!

The boys have been DYING to go swimming for several months now. I told them a while back that we would have to wait until May. When Grandma Kate called tell us to bring our bathing suits, I thought Jack was going to lose his mind. He looked at me with eyes as big as saucers and said, "Mom.Is.It.Really.May? I have waited forever for this day." Oh, to be a kid again! Ashleigh and Pat were also in town, which added to the festivities. Here are a few pictures of the fish.

Easter Egg Hunt

Annual Easter Egg Hunt, 2010

Part of the gang gearing up...

Egg anticipation...

And they're off...

Not too shabby!! lucky to have each other!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Touch-a-Truck has become a highly anticipated annual event for Jack and Charlie. No surprise there, I guess. It is a parking lot full of every type of motorized vehicle imaginable. They can get in, turn on lights and sirens, honk the horns, pretend to be driving, etc. THEY LOVE IT!! This year, their hands-down favorite was being able to use the fireman hose to spray water. Charlie also LOVED the hot air balloon. Jack, however, won't go near it after it's near collapse last year while we were still inside. Here are a few pictures of this year's favorites...