Saturday, October 31, 2009

Annual Halloween Shin-dig

Last night we headed over to the Zobrak house for the Annual Halloween Party! As always, the kids had a blast wearing their costumes and playing together. Charlie, the dragon, was never far from Grant.

Jack went as a knight and was so excited to find a horse he could ride to complete the look!

The waiting game...Simon Says touch your nose...

Jack waiting patiently, hands folded in his lap, for his turn.

The idea of the pinata typically aludes my kids. They are baffled as to why we are encouraging them to hit something. When the candy starts flying, they will grab a piece and stop to eat it, missing the idea that they are to collect as much as possible. This year, they got it. They both attacked the pinata and filled their candy buckets to the top.

The candy pile...



With this devilish little look, I think we may have picked the wrong costume this year.

Sunday, October 25, 2009



Jack's preschool class had their first fieldtrip this week. I was so happy to be able to tag along! We went and toured the Great Harvest Bread Company. The kids were able to learn about the wheat growing, harvesting and baking process. They were able to feel wheat both before and after it was turned into flour. They also watched the bread slicer in action. The highlight, of course, was the tasting. We left with lots and lots of fresh, yummy bread and have been eating it ever since!!! The spider loaf was Halloween inspired, and almost too cute to eat...almost!
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Friday, October 9, 2009

Tule Springs

I cannot believe that in the 14 years I have lived in Las Vegas, I have never once visited Tule Springs. The kids have been begging Jim to take them fishing, so we met Grandpa, Grandma, Ally, Andrew and Ashleigh for a day of fishing and relaxing.

Jack and Charlie had their first official fishing lesson with Dad..

Charlie learning the ropes with Uncle Andrew

First Day of School

Where does the time go?? Both Jack and Charlie started preschool at the beginning of September. I am fortunate enough to have wonderful friends willing to do the drop-offs and pick-ups while I am at work. They each go to their own "school" with their own teachers, which has been really different and good for them.

Charlie thinks he has died and gone to heaven, being able to do something that he considers such a "Big Boy" thing to do. Our dinner conversations have become hilarious as they recount what they learned in school that day. I so wished someone else was here to listen as Jack passed on the information he learned about germs and hand washing when using a public restroom. His 3 year old version was absolutely priceless!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Sea World

We took Aunt Caitlin to San Diego for a quick trick before she headed back to Pittsburgh. Aunt Mary and Amy spent the day at Sea World with us. Although it was fast, we had a blast! Jack and Charlie didn't stop the entire day. Charlie was convinced the dolphins were his friends and we should bring them home with us. In the car...of course!! This was also their first experience with rides. I was pretty sure we would wait in line forever, get on, and have to stop the ride because they were freaking out. I am proud to say I was wrong, wrong, wrong. They both loved them. The freaking out came when we had to get off and let another group of people have a turn.


Summer Utah trip always!!
During this past summer, Aunt Caitlin came all the way from the 'burgh to help us out with the kids. While she was here, we decided to take a little weekend trip with our friends Nancy and Grace to the cabin in Duck Creek, Utah. We were able to spend time enjoying the outdoors...a nice change of pace from theVegas heat.
