The water table was a huge hit for the kids. It has different levels, observation bubbles underneath, and all sorts of activities the kids can do to make the water and the balls move.
Jack actually remembered this instrument part from last year. Naturally, they stayed in here and made A LOT of noise for as long as they could. You've got to love a place that encourages kids to be as loud as possible!
The boys were discovering different ways to get the balls up to the top of this structure with Grandma. Charlie went to great lengths to match the color of the balls with the color of the bucket. Once the area on top was full of balls, a loud siren went off and balls came flying down. This, of course, was huge incentive to get as many balls up there as possible!
Both of the boys are fascinated with all of the bridges here in Pittsburgh. So, when they found this table of arched blocks, they couldn't wait to build their own bridges. Pretending to be a farmer and Bob the Builder also kept them busy!