Sunday, October 25, 2009



Jack's preschool class had their first fieldtrip this week. I was so happy to be able to tag along! We went and toured the Great Harvest Bread Company. The kids were able to learn about the wheat growing, harvesting and baking process. They were able to feel wheat both before and after it was turned into flour. They also watched the bread slicer in action. The highlight, of course, was the tasting. We left with lots and lots of fresh, yummy bread and have been eating it ever since!!! The spider loaf was Halloween inspired, and almost too cute to eat...almost!
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  1. Jantzen has been having a lot of fun eating his green bread. I probably couldn't have eaten the spider, so that's why I didn't get one. Hope it was good!

  2. Sounds like fun. We love Great Harvest pumpkin bread. If you haven't tried it its the best. Everyone eats it and that says alot. So sad wish I could of gone.
